How to control the result on
Notes: This is the test for fun, not use that for scam.
Hi guys.
I see many brands use in determining the outcome of the mini-game and the events, and I wonder that they can fake that result on this prestigious site.
And sadly the answer is YES.
You can get bellow content and paste it to console tab (F12) in Google Chrome.
(function() {
var setResult = [01, 03, 05, 07, 09, 11],
count = 0,
iframe = document.getElementById('homepage-generator').getElementsByTagName('IFRAME')[0],
iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document,
generator = iframeDocument.getElementById('true-random-integer-generator-button'),
result = iframeDocument.getElementById('true-random-integer-generator-result');
generator.onclick = function() {
var i = count++;
if (i >= setResult.length) return;
result.innerHTML = '<img src="/util/cp/images/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Loading..." />';
setTimeout(function() {
result.innerHTML = setResult[i];
}, ((Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 2) * 100));