[Liferay] How to load https for Liferay content behind reverse proxy

Normally, Liferay does not load the https URL with variables $ javascript_folder, $ css_folder, browser will block the insecure content (usually javascript, css and image) and website show will fail.
[blocked] The page at 'https://example.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'http://example.com/notifications-portlet/notifications/js/main.js?browserId=other&minifierType=js&languageId=en_US&b=6201&t=1399630101000': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.

[blocked] The page at 'https://example.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'http://example.com/vnhomnay-theme/css/aui.css?browserId=other&themeId=…WAR_vnhomnaytheme&minifierType=css&languageId=en_US&b=6201&t=1399942235000': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.

[Liferay] Upgrade Liferay 6.2 CE GA1 to 6.2 CE GA2

Liferay released an update on March 21, 2014. This update corrects several issues found since the Liferay 6.2 GA1 release in late 2013:
- All known security vulnerabilities since GA1 was released
- Improved message boards navigation for mobile environments
- Lots of cosmetic UI fixes
- Asset Publisher sorting by publish date
- Fixed handling of custom types in DDM
- Fixed support for Social Bookmarks
- Other minor issues discovered in GA1

[Liferay] Cài đặt Liferay portal trên Ubuntu server

Liferay là một mã nguồn web tương tự như Joomla hay Nuke nhưng được lập trình bởi ngôn ngữ JAVA, các bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm trên trang http://liferay.com.
Trong bài viết này mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cài đặt Liferay trên Ubuntu server.
Các bạn có thể download mã nguồn Liferay ở http://www.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-portal/available-releases (lưu ý các bạn download bản Bundled with Tomcat).
Lưu ý: các bạn có thể down trực tiếp trên ubuntu bằng lệnh wget, nhưng tốc độ download không nhanh.
Trước khi cài đặt Liferay, server của bạn cần phải được cài đặt Java JDK và MySql

[Liferay] How to install Liferay on Ubuntu, config virtualhost, connect to Active Directory, setup CAS for Liferay

This document is a step by step guide on how to install Liferay on Ubuntu, CentOS, config virtualhost Apache, connect Liferay to Active Directory and setup  CAS for Liferay.

1. Setup Liferay on Ubuntu
S1. Installing Apache2, mySQL server and Java
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

[Liferay] Create Liferay portlet with front end use AngularJS

Why AngularJS? HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
So easy to create liferay portlet with front end use Angularjs. You need only copy your code below into the portlet view.jsp. And It works for you!

[Liferay] Install SSL certificate on Apache for Liferay portal

You need enable ssl mod of Apache before follow this guide
sudo a2enmod ssl
1. Setup SSL on Apache2 (Unauthenticated SSL Certificates)
S1. Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
To generate the keys for the Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
Now create the insecure key, the one without a passphrase, and shuffle the key names:
openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key.insecure
mv server.key server.key.secure
mv server.key.insecure server.key
The insecure key is server.key, we can use this file to generate the CSR without passphrase.
To create the CSR, run the following command at a terminal prompt:
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
If you enter the correct passphrase, it will prompt you to enter Company Name, Site Name, Email Id, etc. Once you enter all these details, your CSR will be created and it will be stored in the server.csr file.

[Liferay] Guide to upgrading Liferay 6.1 to 6.2

S1. Dowload file Liferay 6.2 bundles tomcat at:
S2. Replace portal-ext.properties file and data folder of Liferay 6.1 to the new bundle.
S3. Dump database mysql from liferay 6.1 to liferay 6.2
S4. Start liferay 6.2 and wait some minutes for liferay auto upgrade
S5. Updating

[Liferay] Clustering Liferay 6.1, Liferay 6.2 with Apache and mod_jk loadbalancer, EHCache, Lucene Index, Cluster session, Jackrabbit

1. Mô tả hệ thống
Trước khi làm theo hướng dẫn cài đặt dưới đây, các bạn cần thực hiện các yêu cầu sau trước tiên:
- Tất cả các node của cluster đều được kết nối tới chung 1 database (chúng ta có thể sử dụng MariaDB để clustering database)
- Cài đặt apache2 và modjk phục vụ cho việc loadbalancing
- Sử dụng hardware loadbalancing hoặc keepalived để HA cho 2 server apache (lúc này client access tới 2 server apache thông qua 1 VIP)